Friday, June 22, 2007

Visiting the career counselor

I spoke to the graduate career counselor yesterday about my employment prospects. I told him about the position closest to my heart and my dilemma with negotiating a salary. Of course, like any logical individual, his next question was, what are they offering me. I told him.
Long story short, it's not even negotiable. Survival in that part of the country is not expected making what I would make.
On the flip side, my family is coming up for the weekend and their bringing my five year old niece with them. I know, I'm an only child. But being as though they practically raised her mother, she is now my neice and she is coming to Boston. Joy! When I tell you, this girl is going to do a damn site better than Condelezza one day, it's no exageration. Already, she reads at the level of children three years older then her. She speaks her mind, but coherently and logically, causing most adults to look in the other direction for the source of such grown up philosophy. And she's a happy, well-adjusted child who hates eggs and loves Dora. So we're going to the Science museum this weekend, and Baker's Best, which, if you're from the Boston area you already know about because its so stinking fabulous and if you're not, then you've missed out on one of life's great and simple joys. I don't like Boston. I've been scarred by Boston's attitude, racism and overall, rude way of life, but for the eggs benedict at this place, I would come back and stand in line in the rain.
...back to Eden (my niece)...and we're going to paint and shop and eat some more and nap (oooowwweeee!) and...
so, despite the arrival for the very first time of the notion that I may not live in that part of the country right now, it promises to be a busy and very enjoyable weekend.

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