Wednesday, June 20, 2007

fighting the perpetuation of the colonial enterprise, and you?

It seems that since this form of communication has become a giant beast of a thing, I ought to develop my little corner of tail or snout and get to emoting as well. Truthfully I hate being left behind; call it only child syndrome. I used to call myself a writer, and then life began in earnest and I had to put that aside to become a better student, a better daughter, a better friend and a better useful thing. Then writing became assignments and deadlines and when graduate school introduced itself to me, in the form of theses, conference papers and long nights of mind-numbing, unapologetic affairs with the lower levels of obscure libraries. Now that I've finished my schooling (temporarily) I can get about the business of finding my humble happy niche, as idealistic as it may sound. In the downtime, should it arise, I can revisit the life lessons, bad poetry and world happenings parts of my mind and reflect on what I find, here. I thought the title fitting only because my small drop to the olympic sized swimming pool of the blogsphere is never the less that, a bit of something, tiny yet significant, shifting and ultimately, fading. I have no false expectations of living into eternity, but I do like the idea of my words being here until God knows when. (or until goes belly up). Is that even how it works?
I am an African American woman, 25, recently having concluded graduate school with a Masters in Cultural Anthropology. Now struggling with what to do with this degree in one of the last great vestiges of institutionalized colonialism. How ironic! I decided on a degree in Anthro, not because masochism is a dish best served by professors who study me (!), but because I wanted a cultural degree that allowed me the flexibility to legitimately research indigenous self representation, child development, social structure and human rights all within one discipline. And I did that. And now I search for work that is more hands-on, more "teach this baby with her pretty little curls". More "How can I help without imposing my imperialistic, paternalistic, downright rude American upbringing on you?". More "would you like to travel half-way across the world?". Why yes, thank you.

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